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7 tips to learn new things quickly
by Chris Lewis (2 minute read)
You may find yourself in a situation where you have to or want to learn something new quickly. The activity and knowledge and experience you pick up may even open up a new chapter of your life! Try these seven tips to help you on your learning journey:
1. Ensure you have a clear learning goal and small targeted objectives
A learning goal can help motivate you to succeed and get you through the difficult times during the learning process. Setting yourself small targets can ensure that you are on the right track to success. Sometimes, you won’t know how much you need to know, but that’s fine! Make sure your targets are achievable.
2. Identify the way you like to learn
Not everyone learns in the same way: some are visual learners, while others prefer listening to things, and some people learn better by doing. You may need to try inorder to find the learning style that suits you.
3. Relate it to something you already know
If you can base some or part of your learning on something you already know, you might find that applying the new knowledge becomes a lot easier.
4. Take breaks
Make time to learn. If you feel you have to much to do, it might feel too challenging to take on board new knowledge. Try and recognise the signs that you are becoming overworked and take a break before it happens. Your brain needs a chance to recharge and process information.
5. Physically write down notes
The physical act of writing notes is known to reinforce learning stronger than typing electronic records. Some people use a mixture of both, choosing to handwrite notes quickly, then type them up later.
6. Get a guide
Finding someone or a more experienced reference should help you focus on the right things and avoid mistakes. There are a lot of resources out there – so find a style you like. If you like real-world scenarios, then you could the try Ken Blanchard business books or the Carnsa Development Series or categorised guides like the Dummies guide.
7. Celebrate milestones
The brain releases hormones when you are happy, which makes you feel good. Celebrate milestones of progress when you are learning which is helped with small achievable targets. Your celebration could be as simple as trying a new type of dessert.
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