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Girl Jumping

10 tips to signal you are embracing the new you!

by Chris Lewis (2 minute read)

Some people like change, and others don’t. Some people like change that they are in control of or that they have personally planned. No one planned for the pandemic, so we all had to deal with unplanned changes without any plans or guidance at the start. The past, as we knew it, is gone and there will be a “new normal” in the future.


I reflected on the signs to show I am accepting the ‘new normal’, but everyone is different, so the ‘new normal’ journey may be different to you


Accept the need to change

You understand the need to change and that it is inevitable. Everyone is different. The journey's progression will be different for different people, and it might be hard to navigate. For example, you would prefer to catch up in person but appreciate you will have to do things differently for a while longer.


Make plans for yourself

You make plans for the future, and it does not matter whether they are big or small. Try and make your goals achievable and comfortable. For example, you plan to try a new type of tea that you wouldn’t usually buy.


Make plans with other people

You make plans with other people, but you keep in mind that you must be flexible in how and where you get together. The key here is socialising with others, not worrying about whether your plans are in person, over an internet call, or a plan for months down the track.


Think about future working

How would you like to work in the future? You start reflecting on ideal patterns and what would work for your situation.


Differentiate between a workday and a non-workday

You have started to take action to ensure there is a clear differentiation between work and personal life. Your actions may be small, but they help you keep a work-life balance. You have a clear work dress code you have designed for yourself and other rituals to differentiate between work and home activities.

In the future, or the new normal, I know my workwear will still be smart, a bit comfier than it was previously, and a little less structured. I wouldn't be surprised if there is more focus on styling above the waist.


Less flexible and don’t feel guilty

You are flexible, but you now make time to reflect and do work in a time frame outside workhours that doesn't negatively impact you/ or your family. For example, a request is asked well after work hours. You also realise that since you have started work at 7 AM and had no lunch, you are tired and are likely to make mistakes. In the end, you politely feedback, you will look at it in the morning.


It’s ok to take time out and seek support when you don’t feel OK. I’m training myself to stop feeling guilty if I can’t help someone right there and then. It’s also ok to say no or ask for a rain check (nicely, of course).


Contact friends on impulse

You start moving out of the “hermit stage” and liaise with friends on a more regular basis. You no longer schedule a meeting to ring friends. Now you occasionally ring on the off chance they are in, and if they are not, you are not upset.


Don't care you haven’t learned a new skill

Well done to those in pandemic which have utilised their time and have learned a handy new skill. Some of us were trying to keep it together, and that is OK too. A friend highlighted she realised the fence she had meant to paint for ages still hadn’t been painted. For a short while, I was obsessed with making bread, but then I stopped torturing myself (and my family), and it was ok. I then brought a bread maker, and everyone was happy. There is no harm in trying new things, and if it does not work out, it is ok too.


Don't care you don’t have a hair appointment

I survived, and no one got hurt with my pandemic hair. The hair may not be coiffured to what I am used to, but it is clean, which is OK for me. Everyone was in the same boat… unless you were lucky to have a family member in the hair trade business or picked up hair skills. I realised I had important things to think about and I know I will get an appointment one day. I am more comfortable with clippers and admire those who have gone super short.


You’re ready to take action

I am more open about how I feel to myself. I have a better understanding of my buttons. In fact, I have found new buttons I didn’t know I had that caused me to feel different things. I realise people are on different paths in finding themselves, and I am lucky I’ve people who are on the same path as me.

I don’t like rude or condescending people, but  I realise some people may not know when they do this ( apparently). Sometimes I think (albeit typically when tired), I am an adult - trust me to do my job. I am not a martyr, and I will ask for help, and at times when given sincerely will accept I have no problem with feedback and offers of help, but please consider the timing when delivery... especially when not asked for.

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